Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

For Shame, Best Buy

Posted: February 1, 2011 in Life, WTF
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Saw the following device at my local Best Buy store today.

It claims on the box that you can just plug it in your car’s cigarette lighter (also known in PC circles as the auxiliary power port) and it will:

  • Reduce Emissions
  • Increase Gas Mileage
  • Increase Power
  • Cure Cancer
  • Make girls like you despite the fact you live in a basement with your library of D&D literature.

Okay, I understand scammers are trying to make a buck off something that is so obviously snake oil, but by stocking such an item Best Buy is implicitly lending it some credibility that it absolutely doesn’t deserve. C’mon Best Buy purchasing guy, what where you thinking?



(sorry for the blurry photo)

PS: I love the warning on the bottom about not using it with electric cars or hybrids. This placebo device might interfere with the smug field generator for those cars and might also disrupt the reality distortion field that has you tricked into thinking that driving those cars will have even a negligible impact on the environment. Then you’d be left just sitting there in your oddly shaped car feeling stupid for over-paying for a trunk-load of batteries that will inevitably one day pollute a landfill with battery acid and heavy metals.